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Rocky Road Keto Fat Bombs

Rocky Road Keto Fat Bombs


  • 8 oz softened cream cheese, I used Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • 1/2 cup softened unsalted butter, I used Kerrygold
  • 1/2 cup almond butter, I used Zinke Orchards (nothing but almonds in it!)
  • 1/3 cup low carb sweetener, I used Swerve sweetener
  • 1 tsp vanilla, I used Madagascar Bourbon
  • 1 pinch Pink Sea Salt, I used Sherpa Extra Fine
  • 4 oz low carb chocolate chips, I used Lilly’s Dark Chocolate baking chips (unsweetened baker’s chocolate like this one here is another, less expensive alternative!)
  • 2 oz pecans, chopped into small chunks (or your favorite keto friendly nuts or seeds), I love these
  • 1 oz low carb marshmallows (I like these)


  • With a hand mixer, cream together the first six ingredients until everything is incorporated well and a little fluffy. Then with a silicon spatula (or the hand mixer on low) fold in the chocolate chips and nuts.
  • Refrigerate for about 20 minutes or until the mixture firms up a bit. At this point, you can scoop the dough out into 20 servings & keep refrigerated or scoop them onto parchment paper, freeze for an hour then store them individually in the freezer for easy, on the go snacks!
See full instruction on :  laurenrabadi.com